Our School
At Amesbury CE Primary School, we recognise that every child is unique.
Within our rich and varied curriculum, every child is given opportunities to succeed, within a safe, caring and stimulating environment, which should facilitate each child’s chance to reach the highest possible standards. Every child has full access to the entire curriculum during their schooling that is specifically planned around our school’s values: Ambition, Courage and Empathy.
All teachers strive to identify and address any barriers that are preventing children from making the progress they are capable of. All staff are committed to meeting the needs of all our children. As a school, we recognise the importance of not only supporting children’s academic progress but also developing their behavioural, emotional and social skills to enable them to become confident, independent learners and well-equipped citizens for our society.
Our school SENCo is Miss Wells. To contact Miss Wells, please email or ring 01980 623009.
Our Parents and Further Support
The SEND department strives to maintain strong and productive links with parents/carers. We believe that good home-school links and communication are essential to a child’s emotional well-being and progress. It is important for us to know if parents require support in their dealings with the school and with your child’s education.
If you are concerned that your child may have an additional need or are concerned about their academic progress your first point of contact should always be your child’s class teacher. Your child’s teacher will be able to direct you towards our SENCo.
We understand that having a child with additional needs can be hard to manage. All the staff at Amesbury are here to help and want to make sure that you feel fully supported. You can speak to your child's class teacher or the SENCo.
Useful Documents & Links
Children’s and Families Act 2014
We offer a variety of other interventions at our school. These may be an academic intervention or an intervention to support a child’s emotional development. These may be run by either class teachers or teaching assistants. Where interventions require further training we may seek outside agencies to help us with this. We currently have a school counsellor supporting some of our children.
Our intervention programme is adaptable to our children and their needs. Parents will receive the opportunity to discuss these interventions with their class teacher.
Links to other agencies
- Wiltshire Autism Information Pack
- The Dyspraxia Foundation
- National Autistic Society
- Autism Independent UK
- Asperger’s Support
- Tourette Syndrome (UK) Association
- British Dyslexia Association
- The British Epilepsy Association
- Royal Institute for the Blind
- MindEd
- Familylinks
- Youngminds
- Communicationtrust
Wiltshire's Local Offer
We are a fully inclusive school and work alongside the Local Authority, Health Professionals and community organisations to find the most appropriate and effective support for pupils within our care. As part of our SEND provision we signpost relevant and up to date support for our parents/careers through the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC).
For more information about the Local Offer and the WPCC please click on the links below: