Amesbury CE Primary School


As a Church school Amesbury Primary has a clear Christian ethos and enjoys a strong connection with your parish church, St Mary and St Melor. The church is, like Amesbury itself, deeply historical, dating from 979AD and believed to be the final resting place of Queen Eleanor of Provence, the only English monarch without a marked grave.

History aside, your parish church is above all a place of worship. Our services tend to be fairly traditional and ordered, with a choir, and are mainly Eucharists (Holy Communion services), but we are also keen to offer worship which is accessible to all, including those coming to church for the first time. Our approach to the Christian faith and the Bible is open-minded and inclusive. There are various activities and groups to become involved in, if you wish. There is more information on our website (details below). Above all, we welcome everyone: The Church is here for you all.

Fr Darren A’Court is the parish priest and a Foundation governor of the school, along with others from the community, and usually leads weekly collective worship in school. Please feel free to contact him on (01980) 259054 or

The church’s website is:

Find us on Facebook: @amesburyparishchurch

St. Mary & St. Melor Church

Diocese of Salisbury

Archbishop of Canterbury

Fr Darren.jpg

       Fr. Darren D'Acourt